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How I Got Interview by The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal in the Same Year

Getting national press for you and your business might take a different strategy than you think.

How to gte major press mentions for your small business like The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal

Are you interested in securing press for your business?

Securing media attention can help you reach a larger audience, attract potential customers, and establish your brand in the market.

If you want to get mentions from the media, then you need to stop asking journalists to write about your products or services. They are inundated with those kinds of pitches all day long, and frankly, they’ve learned to ignore most of them.

Instead, share your stories and find ways to insert yourself into the conversations that are already happening. Highlight what makes your business different, where you’ve been as an entrepreneur, or any innovative products/services you offer, but mostly, how they fit in what journalists know their readers want to hear about.

Try offering unique and authentic narratives that resonate with their audience. this might include sharing your journey, challenges you’ve overcome to get to where you are now, or industry insights that add value.

When I was interviewed for an article in The New York Times it wasn’t because I asked a writer to talk about my business. Instead, I inserted myself in a conversation that was already happening (in this case, the rising cost of childcare.) Because my business is an integral part of the reason my household was able to overcome this issue (it allowed my husband to quit his job and become a stay at home dad) it was also included. A few months later, I was featured in The Wall Street Journal in a similar article, once again, by offering a story that made sense to include in a conversation readers are interested in.

PR has a lot of moving pieces. It usually requires heaps of research, maintaining an expanding network of connections, and the practiced ability to see stories in everyday events and experiences.

Establishing relationships with journalists and reporters in your industry can be invaluable. Engage with them on social media, attend industry events, and reach out with relevant news or story ideas that align with their beat. Use social media platforms to share your story, engage with your audience, and connect with journalists and influencers. Leverage platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook to promote your business and attract media attention.

If you don’t feel ready to start pitching the media just yet, that doesn’t mean you can’t begin harnessing the power of storytelling in your marketing right now. With so many placeholders for content you can begin to reach your audience with the tools at your disposal.

By implementing these strategies and consistently engaging with the media, you can increase your chances of getting valuable coverage for your small business. Remember, building relationships, telling a compelling story, and offering valuable insights are key to securing media attention and growing your brand.

Tell your stories, insert yourself in the conversation, and watch your business gain traction as a result.